Monday, May 31, 2010

The dreaded 3 letters of the month.... P.M.S

Last weekend I was PMSing. Worst thing about it... I didn't realise I was so there were a lot of emotional roller coaster going on and the one who had to suffer it most are my family because I was on leave the whole week.

You see.. if I knew I was PMSing then I would have known that was the reason behind my moodiness and would have stopped myself from thinking others had something to do with it .But since I didn't know, everyone... and I mean eevveerrryyyonnneeee in my family got a piece of my emotions. And they were not very pleasant and pretty.

I hate it when I'm PMSing because I can be the least likeable person EVER!!!!!!!!Even I can't stand myself. That is why I would always try to be aware of myself when I'm PMSing. But this time I missed it because after 4 months of no period I forgot how it felt like. Non-family members won't really notice. Good friends would notice because I would keep to myself more. Family would definitely notice because they are the ones who I show my emotions to. Trust me... when I'm like that, you do not want to be my family.

And you know to whom I felt guilty the most??!!! AZALIA!!

Huhuhuh sorry sorry..I thought last week would be a good week to spend some time with you. But instead you ended up with a very grouchy mother.


Now that I'm in my 3rd day, I'm all cheerful again.I wasn't even angry when Azalia spilled water when she was painting today.

Till next month....sigh.

p.s: I miss the 10-month-period-free time I had after I gave birth because seriously.. I had NO mood swings AT ALL during that time.

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